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[hide]#Opening Crawl

  1. Plot Summary 
  2. Featured NPCs 
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Opening Crawl

Customs!  The Mynock, smuggling vessel of fugitive Captain Trystan Valentine, has touched down on the orbital station above the jungle planet of Findar.  His crew — Bounty Hunter Leenik Geelo, ex-Clone soldier Bacta, Space Adventurer Lyntel’luroon, five-year-old force-sensitive Nightbrother Tamlin, best-selling author Neemodian Sparks and super-sentient space wolf Tony Vornskr — are weary and in need of medical care.  Though the Mynock crew purchased a treasure trove of trick credentials from the Kaiburr Crystals, can they, the most wanted criminals in the galaxy, expect to pass through Findian security without being noticed?
